They Will Know We Are Christians …
A paradoxical poem

We are proud to be Christians and proclaim it a lot
but if we smugly boast and brag, it’s obvious we are not.
Is our church a country club? Are we puffed up and proud
feeling “holier than thou” as members of this crowd?
Do our tithes go to the “least of these” … poor, jailed, diseased …
or to remodel church buildings and keep the members pleased?
In worship do we publicly pray to “give God all the glory”
but privately spread rumors, adding more dirt to the story?
Does our church promote politicians? Remember Jesus’ prod:
“Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
Do we glow with compassion reaching out to those in need;
or lay on guilt that triggers fear to hook them on our creed?
Jesus asked us to Love. Judge not. Unite. Pray.
When we hate, divide or frighten, it is Him that we betray.
He always knows our motives so who are we impressing?
This is all the Christ requires: Let your life be a blessing.
Comfort. Forgive. Be slow to anger. Turn the other cheek.
Make peace. Spread joy. Be kind, gentle, merciful and meek.
Faith is a personal choice. We cannot take away or give it.
They’ll know we are Christians when we quiet down, and live it.